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Proficiency Testing Schemes
  • Brief Introduction
  • Suzhou Electrical Apparatus Science Research Institute Co., Ltd. (EETI for short) is a proficiency testing provider accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) with registration number CNAS PT0054. EETI is the China National Centre for Quality Supervision and Test of Electrical Apparatus Products and the China National Smart Grid Medium & High-voltage Assemblies Quality Supervision and Test Centre approved by State Administration for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ).

  • Service Scope
  • List of Proficiency Testing Schemes for 2017

  • Application Form for Proficiency Testing Schemes Download
  • 1) Invitation to participate proficiency testing schemes of "measurement of power-frequency voltage for high voltage electrical apparatus/ measurement of lightning impulse voltage / measurement of main circuit resistance"

    Application Form for Proficiency Testing Schemes Download

    2) Notice of Providing Proficiency Testing Schemes 2017, EETI

    Application Form for Proficiency Testing Scheme Download

    Application Form for Proficiency Testing Scheme (One on one) Download

  • Accreditation Certificate & Attachments
  • Proficiency Testing Provider Certificate

    Proficiency Testing Provider Accreditation Scope

  • Contacts
  • Fuliang XU Qiaoqiao SONG

    Address.: No.5, Yuexi Qianzhu Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

    Tel:0512 69552551、69552117


    E-mail: [email protected]

Suzhou Electrical Apparatus Science Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Address: No.5 Qianzhu Road, Yuexi, Wuzhong District, Suzhou 215104, CHINA
Branch Address: No. 7 Yonghe Street, Binhe Road, New District, Suzhou 215011, CHINA
Phone: +86-512-69551355
Email: [email protected]