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Chemical Substances Test

RoHS laboratory of EETI (China National Centre for Quality Supervision and Test of Electrical Apparatus Products) has passed metrological certification organized by China National Administration of People’s Republic of China(CNCA) and laboratory recognition organized by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment(CNAS). It is jointly authorized by CNCA and MIIT(Minisitry of Industry and Information Technology of the people’s Republic of China).

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Suzhou Electrical Apparatus Science Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Address: No.5 Qianzhu Road, Yuexi, Wuzhong District, Suzhou 215104, CHINA
Branch Address: No. 7 Yonghe Street, Binhe Road, New District, Suzhou 215011, CHINA
Phone: +86-512-69551355
Email: [email protected]